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[ANeff] Bug for: QoQ breaks on cached query
Comment on [ANeff] Bug for: CF10 vs CF11 wrt displaying q.dateColumn by External U.
4166478 CF-4201825 Aaron N. Hi Vijay, Regarding: q["id"] returns the currentRow's "id" column value Yes and no. It depends: q["id"] is the ValueArray(q, "id") shorthand since CF10 and earlier: q = queryNew("foobar", "", [["foo"],["bar"]]); a = []; arrayAppend(a, q["foobar"], true
3270775 CF-4198980 Aaron N. Yup, cached queries continue to be a bit of a disaster in CF2016. A couple more repros: q = queryExecute("SELECT 10 AS test, myColumn FROM ticket_4198980", [], {cachedwithin=createTimeSpan(0,0,0,3)}); writeOutput(q.test & q.myColumn & '');//returns "10" (good
2612557 CF-3499033 External U. How about q.valueList("myColumn") and q.valueArray("myColumn")? I actually thought q.valueList() already worked, but it doesn't. Thanks!, -Aaron
Comment on Reload/Redirect Loop caused by HTTP2, IIS10 and Safari. by Dave Q.
2609682 CF-3808648 External U. +1 - row.foo and q.foo should work identically within for(row in q)
[ANeff] Bug for: dot notation breaks queryExecute() in closure, when QoQ'ing a variable in owner function
2608345 CF-4117325 Language Aaron Neff [ANeff] Bug for: duplicate(query) breaks query.getResult() duplicate(query) breaks query.getResult() Repro: q1 = queryExecute("SELECT * FROM art WHERE artID = 1", [], {datasource="cfartgallery", cachedwithin=createTimeSpan(0,0,0,10)}); writeDump(q1.get
2673574 CF-4126391 Database : General Aaron Neff [ANeff] Bug for: duplicate() not including rows/columns of cached queries duplicate() not including rows/columns of cached queries Repro: q = queryNew("foo", "varchar", [["bar"]]); q2 = queryExecute("SELECT * FROM q", [], {dbtype
3007007 CF-4198513 Aaron N. Hi Adobe, This ticket's "Failure Type" should be "Data Corruption". Also, here's another repro case: q1 = queryNew("foobar", "", [["foo"]]); q2 = queryExecute("SELECT foobar FROM q1", [], {dbtype="query", cachedWithin=createTimeSpan(0,0,1,0)});//returns cached
2612115 CF-3556076 External U. Here is a self contained repro case: #CurrentRow# dataCol: "#dataCol#"; IsNULL(dataCol): #IsNULL(dataCol)#; IsNULL(q.dataCol): #IsNULL(q.dataCol)#; IsNULL(q.dataCol[currentRow]): #IsNULL(q.dataCol[currentRow])#; Actual Null: #!Struct
2596855 CF-3556075 External U. Here is a self contained repro case: #CurrentRow# dataCol: "#dataCol#"; IsNULL(dataCol): #IsNULL(dataCol)#; IsNULL(q.dataCol): #IsNULL(q.dataCol)#; IsNULL(q.dataCol[currentRow]): #IsNULL(q.dataCol[currentRow])#; Actual Null: #!Struct
CFSCRIPT QoQ issue (when querying object created via 'queryNew')
2673398 CF-4126645 Caching Aaron Neff [ANeff] Bug for: CF11 vs CF12 wrt cachedWithin=0 Pre-CF12, cachedwithin=0 returns a non-cached query (expected). In CF12, cachedwithin=0 returns a cached query (bug). Repro: q1 = queryNew("myCol"); q2 = queryExecute("SELECT myCol FROM q1", [], {dbtype
2608475 CF-4085682 External U. +1 for adding QueryGetRows()/q.getRows() to return an array of what QueryGetRow()/q.getRow() currently returns.
2608823 CF-3983656 Awdhesh K. for-in works on collection. so variable.q should work not the variables.q['Bar'].
2612557 CF-3499033 External U. Ah, Adam makes a good point. So I like q.valueList("myColumn") and q.valueArray("myColumn"). Thanks!, -Aaron
2613664 CF-3194043 External U. +1, currently I do QoQ but would much prefer this shortcut. IMO this suggested combination of cfloop/QoQ is like the combination of cfdump/cfabort (
Comment on Provide more fully featured version of Query of Queries (QoQ). Support more functions by Aaron N.
rcasdorph Charlie thanks for the extensive replies.  Hopefully we will have answers by Q1 2019
Comment on DeveloperWeek and Q1 Roadshows by cal_btwynn
Comment on DeveloperWeek and Q1 Roadshows by cal_btwynn
Comment on [ANeff] Bug for: QoQ incorrect casting by External U.
2673605 CF-4123732 External U. Just noting that the issue does not affect queryEach(): q4 = queryNew("foobar", "", [["foo"],["bar"]]); q5 = queryExecute("SELECT * FROM q4", [], {dbtype="query", cachedWithin=createTimeSpan(0,0,0,30)}); q5.each(function() { writeDump(ARGUMENTS); abort
Comment on [ANeff] Bug for: QoQ incorrect casting and casing by CFwatson U.
2608423 CF-4098246 External U. *bump* What about .valueList()/.quotedValueList()? valueList() and quotedValueList() are still useful when one only needs a string. Example: it's shorter than typing q.valueArray().arrayToList() and q.quotedValueArray().arrayToList(). Unnecessary typing. So
2609294 CF-3861324 External U. Any enhancements to QoQ would be very welcome
2609295 CF-3861322 External U. Any enhancements to QoQ would be very welcome
2609296 CF-3861321 External U. Any enhancements to QoQ would be very welcome
2609297 CF-3861312 External U. Any enhancements to QoQ would be very welcome
2609616 CF-3820493 External U. I was unable to verify this on CF11 Update 3 (11,0,03,292245(PreRelease)) w/ a 544925-row MSSQL table (w/ and w/o ). Case 1 (successfully output all 544925 IDs): SELECT * FROM myTable Records=#q.RecordCount# #q.currentRow# Case 2 (successfully output all
Comment on Division by zero in a QoQ returns 1.#INF by Michael C.
it as ticketCF-3863993 2) Create C:\ticketCF-3863993\myfile.txt 3) Run the following code: //These fail writeDump(directoryExists("file://localhost/C:/ticketCF-3863993"));//Returns NO q = directoryList("file://localhost/ticketCF-3863993", false, "query", "");//Throws exception: Could not find files
2609684 CF-3806744 External U. Adobe, In the following (where mynvarchar is an nvarchar field), getMetadata(q)[1].typeName returns "nvarchar". So, it appears the issue is QoQ-specific. SELECT mynvarchar FROM mytable SELECT * FROM q WHERE mynvarchar = Thanks!, -Aaron
in that version: 1 dataCol: "A"; IsNULL(dataCol): NO; IsNULL(q.dataCol): NO; IsNULL(q.dataCol[currentRow]): NO; Actual Null: NO; nullCol: ""; IsNULL(nullCol): NO; IsNULL(q.nullCol): NO; IsNULL(q.nullCol[currentRow]): NO; Actual Null: YES; 2 dataCol: "B"; IsNULL(dataCol): NO; IsNULL(q.dataCol): NO; IsNULL(q
2682686 CFB-3758872 External U. Another example, this time it breaks towards the end. cfhttpparam(type="header", name="Accept", value="application/json,application/xml,application/xhtml+xml,text/html;q=0.9,text/plain;q=0.8,image/png,*/*;q=0.5");
CreativeQ – Creative Workflow Management Software
2673399 CF-4126644 Language Aaron Neff [ANeff] Bug for: BIF vs array notation wrt immutable Immutable query can be modified using array notation. Repro: q1 = queryNew("myCol", "varchar", [["a"]]); q2 = queryExecute("SELECT myCol FROM q1", [], {dbtype="query", mutable=false}); q2.myCol[1
2673450 CF-4126537 Security Analyzer Jason Dean Code Analyzer False Negative Problem Description: This code should be flagged for SQLi, it is not. component { public function getUserByID( numeric id ) { var q = new Query
. Method: q = new Query(); q.setDatasource("test"); q.setSQL("select * from stuff"); q.setResult("rsmd"); rs = q.execute(); Result: ----------------------------- Additional Watson Details ----------------------------- Watson Bug ID: 3037175 External Customer Info: External Company: External
Comment on [ANeff] Bug for: QoQ incorrect casting by External U.
2673605 CF-4123732 Immanuel N. Issue exists with CF 2016 only. Works as expected on CF 11. Copying the test below, //create dummy query q = QueryNew("id,foo"); QueryAddRow(q); QuerySetCell(q, "id", "1"); QuerySetCell(q, "foo", "bar"); //cache it CacheRegionNew("queries", {}, false); results
2608170 CF-4173251 Language Steve Sommers Query scope descrepancy between tag and script Problem Description: I'm fairly certain I found a scope bug. I'm using CF11 and FW/1 and I have the following query -- the tag works, the cfscript equivalent triggers a "Table named rc.q
to Reproduce: Run this: tempQuery = queryNew( "id,name", "integer,varchar" ); queryAddRow( tempQuery ); querySetCell( tempQuery, "id", 1, 1 ); querySetCell( tempQuery, "name", "test", 1 ); q1 = duplicate( tempQuery ); sql = "SELECT * FROM q1"; options = { dbType = "query" , cached
objects You cannot use Query Of Queries on a recordset that contains complex objects, such as arrays and structures. -------------------------------------------- That is not true. QoQ can be used on recordsets containing complex objects. Repro: q1 = queryNew("a", "varchar", [["a"]]); q2 = query
[ANeff] Bug for: queryAddColumn() casts to bit if preceeded by bit column and QoQ had a prefixed ORDER BY
2673605 CF-4123732 External U. Hi Immanuel, I've also reproduced w/ this: q = queryNew("foobar", "", [["foo"],["bar"]]); q2 = queryExecute("SELECT * FROM q", [], {dbtype="query", cachedWithin=createTimeSpan(0,0,0,30)}); writeDump(q2); for(row in q2) { abort; } writeDump(q2
4223283 CF-4202044 Aaron N. Repro code (see comments for expected result): s = {foo="bar"} writeDump(s.clear())//returns YES (should return empty object like arrayObj.Clear()) q = queryNew("myColumn1") writeDump(q.addColumn("myColumn2", "varchar", []))//returns 2 (should return
is not translating '234123f' to a Java String class, but to a Java float, 234123f, or Java double 234123d. Interestingly, SPREADSHEETNEW() and SPREADHSHEETADDROWS() works fine, even when you don't assign a datatype. Steps to Reproduce: qTemp = query
, queryAddColumn()'s default column type is "varchar" if query has rows (bad) Repro: q = queryNew("col1"); queryAddColumn(q, "col2", []);//add column when query has 0 rows queryAddRow(q); writeDump(getMetadata(q)); querySetCell(q, "col1", {foo="foo"}, 1); querySetCell(q, "col2", {bar
[ANeff] Bug for: QoQ incorrect casting and casing
in SQL Server. It has just one column, testBit, of type BIT. Insert 4 rows into the table, containing respectively the values 1, 1, 0, 0. 2. Run the following code: sSql_1=" select testBit from tbl where testBit = :nBit ;"; stSqlParams.nBit={value:1, cfsqltype:"BIT"}; q1=query
NULL(dataCol)#; IsNULL(q.dataCol): #IsNULL(q.dataCol)#; isDefined(dataCol): #isDefined(dataCol)#; isDefined(q.dataCol): #isDefined(q.dataCol)#; IsNULL(q.dataCol[currentRow]): #IsNULL(q.dataCol[currentRow])#; Actual Null: #!StructKeyExists(variables,"dataColValue")#; nullCol: "#nullCol#"; Is
2672781 CF-4170628 Database Aaron Neff [ANeff] Bug for: cachedWithin=0 returns cached query In CF11, cachedWithin=0 returns non-cached query (good). In CF2016, cachedWithin=0 returns cached query (bad). Issue affects QoQ and non-QoQ. QoQ Repro: q1 = queryNew("foobar", "", [["foo"]]); q2
_name_df, partner_name_morion, corporation, is_hospital, hosp_ident, partner_id from table#qRep.rownum##qRep.partner##qRep.okpo_code##qRep.distributor##qRep.partner_name_df##qRep.partner_name_morion# #qRep.corporation##qRep.is_hospital# #qRep.hosp_ident##qRep.partner_id#When I replace cfoutput first before
of a queryNew() query. Method: //test case for query of queries usings querynew and query object://Make query object with queryNew()qUsers = queryNew("usename,userID","varChar,integer");queryAddRow(qUsers);querySetCell(qUsers,"usename","Jorrit");querySetCell(qUsers,"userID",1);querySetCell(qUsers,"usename","Ben");querySetCell(q
2609297 CF-3861312 Database : Query-of-Query(IMQ) Adam Cameron Improve joining in query of query CFML's QoQ is very limited in how it can join queries: * only two queries * only old-school filter joins (eg: from q1, q2 where q1.pk=q2.fk) * no outer joins This implementation is lovely for a proof
Provide more fully featured version of Query of Queries (QoQ). Support more functions
3321220 CF-4199234 CFForm : HTML Aaron Neff [ANeff] Bug for: 4113472 regression partially hides grid calendar icon 4113472's fix introduced a regression that partially hides grid calendar icon Repro: q = queryNew("id,myDate", "integer,timestamp"); q.addRow(2);//Because array notation
2609682 CF-3808648 External U. Interesting. I use for(row in q) iteration over query objects quite a bit but never ventured to try to act on the "q" within the loop (I always treated it more like an array of structs iteration than a iteration). That being said, I actually would have expected
: qData = queryNew("location,waitTime,dateTimeLastUpdated", "VarChar,VarChar,VarChar"); queryAddRow(qData, 3); querySetCell(qData, "location", "Location A", 1); querySetCell(qData, "waitTime", "00:05", 1); querySetCell(qData, "dateTimeLastUpdated", "2011-10-02 20:26:59.787", 1); querySetCell(q
5361980 CF-4204022 Language : CF Component Latest CF11 patch kills queries https://forums.adobe.com/thread/2595315 Problem Description: Latest patch kills queries. See above link. Basically, we are now getting an error message that "qRead is undefined" from a CFC function that is getting
Comment on CFSCRIPT QoQ issue (when querying object created via 'queryNew') by Jack D.
2672799 CF-4167883 External U. Hi Carl, q.getResult() is a member function available to all queries and doesn't require use of query.cfc. q.getResult() member function was added per a ticket I filed during CF11 PR and has been available since CF11 Final. I added q.getResult() to CF's member
would need to modify if that isn’t the case. private any function combineQuery(qA, qB) { var qry1Result = arguments.qA; var qry2Result = arguments.qB; var qoqResult = ''; // create new query object var qoq = […] Blog,FAQ,functions,query,query of queries,script
LrdJester QoQ needs to be used when you have to union results of a query with the data from an API. There is no join for that.
Tracker Issue modulus in QoQ
modulus in QoQ
2837411 CF-4198326 Language : Serialization Aaron Neff [ANeff] ER for: DeserializeJSON() support for .toJSON()'s serializeQueryByColumns="struct" This ER is for DeserializeJSON(q, "query"), to support .toJSON()'s serializeQueryByColumns="struct" Repro: q = queryNew("col1,col2,col3", "varchar
[ANeff] Bug for: QoQ incorrect casting
similar bit of data) in it, CF interprets the minutes and seconds part of the timestamp as parameter names Steps to Reproduce: q1 = queryNew(""); queryAddColumn(q1, "id", [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]); queryAddColumn(q1, "daysofWeek", ["R
Comment on CFSCRIPT QoQ issue (when querying object created via 'queryNew') by Vamseekrishna N.
Comment on [ANeff] Bug for: QoQ incorrect casting by Nimit S.
Comment on [ANeff] Bug for: QoQ breaks on cached query by External U.
Comment on [ANeff] Bug for: QoQ incorrect casting and casing by External U.
Comment on [ANeff] Bug for: QoQ incorrect casting and casing by CFwatson U.
2608817 CF-3987544 Piyush K. This is fixed for cases where the datatype is specified in the query. For other cases user can specify the new datatype parameter to enforce the desired format. eg. datatype used: q = QueryNew( col_lst, dt_lst, [ {col_chr1:"11-1111", col_int:12}, {col_chr1
Comment on [ANeff] Bug for: CF10 vs CF11 wrt displaying q.dateColumn by Himavanth R.
2596683 CF-3928373 External U. Definitely. QoQ is only really proof of concept with its current level of SQL support. Needs enhancement.
2609294 CF-3861324 External U. I believe this feature will bring CF developers a big relief and benefits while working with QoQ.
2609295 CF-3861322 External U. Please add these features. QoQ functionality is great but is long overdue for some attention.
2609297 CF-3861312 External U. Please add this update...it is one the big concerns with QoQ.
Comment on Provide more fully featured version of Query of Queries (QoQ). Support more functions by External U.
Comment on Provide more fully featured version of Query of Queries (QoQ). Support more functions by External U.
Comment on Provide more fully featured version of Query of Queries (QoQ). Support more functions by External U.
2609455 CF-3846185 External U. This is only partially fixed in CF11 Update 3 (11,0,03,292024(PreRelease)). It still throws an exception if 1 or more queries has no cacheid attribute: cacheRemoveAll("query"); q1 = queryNew(""); q2 = queryNew(""); SELECT * FROM q1 SELECT * FROM q2
2609512 CF-3839458 External U. Users are still seeing this issue. See another post about it here - http://stackoverflow.com/q/28874726/1636917
Comment on [ANeff] Bug for: queryAddColumn() casts to bit if preceeded by bit column and QoQ had a prefixed ORDER BY by External U.
Comment on QoQ with join causes original query to be reordered by Nimit S.
Comment on QoQ with join causes original query to be reordered by External U.